Why Does the Children Component Passed as Prop Does Not Re-Render Even Though Its Parent Component Does?
Image by Eudore - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does the Children Component Passed as Prop Does Not Re-Render Even Though Its Parent Component Does?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to figure out why your React children component isn’t re-rendering despite its parent component re-rendering? You’re not alone! This frustrating phenomenon has puzzled many a developer, leaving them wondering if they’re going crazy. Fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind this enigmatic issue.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the problem. Imagine you have a parent component, `App`, that renders a child component, `List`, as a prop:

function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchApiData().then((response) => setData(response.data));
  }, []);

  return (
      <List data={data} />

function List({ data }) {
  return (
      {data.map((item) => (
        <li key={item.id}>{item.name}</li>

In the above example, when the `App` component re-renders due to a state change, you’d expect the `List` component to re-render as well, since it’s a child component of `App`. However, this isn’t always the case. Why?

The Culprit: Memoization

The answer lies in memoization, a optimization technique used by React to improve performance. When a component re-renders, React checks if the props have changed before re-rendering the component. If the props remain the same, React skips re-rendering the component to avoid unnecessary work.

In our example, the `List` component is passed as a prop to the `App` component. When `App` re-renders, React checks if the `List` prop has changed. Since the `List` component itself hasn’t changed, React assumes it’s the same prop and skips re-rendering.

Solutions to the Problem

Fear not, dear reader, for there are ways to overcome this issue. Here are a few solutions to get you started:

Solution 1: Use the `key` Prop

One way to force React to re-render the `List` component is to use the `key` prop. By assigning a unique key to the `List` component, React will recognize it as a new prop and re-render it:

function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchApiData().then((response) => setData(response.data));
  }, []);

  return (
      <List key={Math.random()} data={data} />

Note that using `Math.random()` as the key is not recommended in production, as it can cause performance issues. Instead, use a unique identifier from your data or a more robust key generation strategy.

Solution 2: Use `React.memo()`

Another approach is to wrap the `List` component with `React.memo()`, which ensures that the component re-renders only when its props change:

const List = React.memo(function List({ data }) {
  return (
      {data.map((item) => (
        <li key={item.id}>{item.name}</li>

By using `React.memo()`, you’re telling React to memoize the `List` component and only re-render it when the `data` prop changes.

Solution 3: Use `useCallback()`

Another solution is to use `useCallback()` to memoize the `List` component function:

function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([]);
  const ListComponent = useCallback(
    () => (<List data={data} />),

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchApiData().then((response) => setData(response.data));
  }, []);

  return (

By using `useCallback()`, you’re memoizing the `ListComponent` function and ensuring it’s re-created only when the `data` prop changes.

Best Practices and Considerations

When working with React, it’s essential to keep in mind the following best practices and considerations:

  • Avoid unnecessary re-renders: Memoization is a powerful optimization technique, but it can also lead to unexpected behavior if not used correctly. Make sure to only memoize components that truly need it.
  • Use meaningful keys: When using the `key` prop, ensure that the key is unique and meaningful. A good rule of thumb is to use a combination of the component’s props and a unique identifier from the data.
  • Keep your components simple: Avoid over-memoizing components, as it can lead to performance issues. Keep your components simple and focused on a single responsibility.
  • Use React DevTools: The React DevTools are an invaluable tool for debugging and understanding the component tree. Use them to inspect your components and identify optimization opportunities.


In conclusion, the mystery behind the children component not re-rendering despite its parent component re-rendering is resolved! By understanding memoization and using solutions like the `key` prop, `React.memo()`, and `useCallback()`, you can ensure that your React components behave as expected. Remember to follow best practices and considerations to avoid common pitfalls and optimize your React application for performance.

Solution Description
Use the `key` Prop Assign a unique key to the child component to force React to re-render it.
Use `React.memo()` Wrap the child component with `React.memo()` to memoize it and re-render only when props change.
Use `useCallback()` Memoize the child component function using `useCallback()` and re-create it only when props change.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering React and creating performant, efficient, and maintainable applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why does React memoize components?

    React memoizes components to improve performance by avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

  2. How do I know if a component needs to be memoized?

    Use the React DevTools to inspect your component tree and identify optimization opportunities. If a component is re-rendering unnecessarily, consider memoizing it.

  3. Can I use `React.memo()` with functional components?

    Yes, `React.memo()` can be used with both class and functional components.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of React! Remember, understanding memoization and optimization techniques is key to creating high-performance React applications.

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of React and explore some intriguing questions about component re-rendering!

Why doesn’t the child component re-render when its parent component does?

This might happen because the child component’s props haven’t changed. In React, components only re-render when their state or props change. If the parent component’s state changes, but the child component’s props remain the same, the child won’t re-render.

Does React skip re-rendering child components if they’re pure functions?

Yes, that’s correct! When a child component is a pure function, React can skip re-rendering it if its props haven’t changed. This optimization is possible because pure functions always return the same output given the same inputs.

How can I force a child component to re-render when its parent component does?

One way to do this is by adding a key prop to the child component. When the parent component re-renders, the key prop will change, and React will re-create the child component. Alternatively, you can use the `React.memo` API or `shouldComponentUpdate` lifecycle method to control when the child component re-renders.

Does the `React.memo` API guarantee a child component will re-render when its parent component does?

Not exactly! `React.memo` only guarantees that the child component won’t re-render if its props haven’t changed. If the parent component re-renders, but the child component’s props remain the same, `React.memo` won’t force a re-render.

Are there any performance implications of forcing a child component to re-render unnecessarily?

Yes, there can be! Unnecessary re-renders can lead to performance issues, especially if the child component has a complex render function or performs expensive computations. Always consider the trade-offs and optimize your component tree wisely!