Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell on iPad 4 Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolution
Image by Eudore -

Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell on iPad 4 Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolution

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Are you frustrated with the error “Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell” on your iPad 4 Pro? You’re not alone! This issue has been plaguing many users, but fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution for you. In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue and get Scipy up and running on your iPad 4 Pro.

What is Scipy and why do I need it?

Scipy (pronounced “sigh-pie”) is a scientific computing library for Python that provides functions for scientific and engineering applications. It’s an essential tool for data scientists, engineers, and researchers who work with Python. Scipy is used for tasks such as signal processing, linear algebra, optimization, statistics, and more.

So, why do you need Scipy? Well, if you’re working with Python for scientific computing, data analysis, or machine learning, Scipy is an indispensable library that can simplify your work and provide accurate results. Without Scipy, you’ll be limited in your ability to perform complex calculations and data analysis.

The Problem: Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell

When you try to install Scipy on your iPad 4 Pro using a-shell, you’re met with an error message that reads “Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell.” This error occurs because Scipy relies on Meson, a build system that’s not compatible with a-shell on iPad 4 Pro.

But don’t worry, we have a workaround that’ll get Scipy up and running on your iPad 4 Pro in no time.


Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • iPad 4 Pro with iOS 11 or later
  • a-shell installed on your iPad 4 Pro
  • Python 3.8 or later installed on your iPad 4 Pro
  • A stable internet connection

Solution: Installing Scipy using Pyenv and Homebrew

We’ll use Pyenv, a Python version manager, and Homebrew, a package manager, to install Scipy on your iPad 4 Pro. Follow these steps carefully:

Step 1: Install Pyenv

$ a-shell
$ curl | bash
$ exec $SHELL 

Pyenv will be installed, and you’ll see the Pyenv logo in your terminal.

Step 2: Install Homebrew

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Homebrew will be installed, and you’ll see the Homebrew logo in your terminal.

Step 3: Install Python 3.9 using Pyenv

$ pyenv install 3.9.5

This step might take a few minutes, so be patient. Once Python 3.9 is installed, you’ll see a success message.

Step 4: Install Scipy using Pip

$ pyenv shell 3.9.5
$ pip install scipy

This step might take a few minutes, so be patient. Once Scipy is installed, you’ll see a success message.

Step 5: Verify Scipy Installation

$ python -c "import scipy"

If Scipy is installed correctly, you won’t see any error messages.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  • Check that you have the correct version of Python installed (3.8 or later).
  • Verify that you have Pyenv and Homebrew installed correctly.
  • If you encounter permission issues, try running the commands with sudo.


In this article, we’ve walked you through a step-by-step guide to resolving the “Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell” error on your iPad 4 Pro. By using Pyenv and Homebrew, you can successfully install Scipy and get started with scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning on your iPad 4 Pro.

Remember to bookmark this article and share it with your friends and colleagues who might be facing the same issue. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Software Version Description
Python 3.8 or later A high-level programming language
a-shell Latest A terminal emulator for iOS
Pyenv Latest A Python version manager
Homebrew Latest A package manager for macOS and Linux
Scipy Latest A scientific computing library for Python

Keywords: Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell, Scipy, iPad 4 Pro, a-shell, Pyenv, Homebrew, Python, Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, Machine Learning

Meta Description: Resolve the “Cannot install scipy due to meson-python – a-shell” error on your iPad 4 Pro with our step-by-step guide. Learn how to install Scipy using Pyenv and Homebrew.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about installing scipy on iPad 4 Pro with a-shell.

Why does the installation of scipy fail on my iPad 4 Pro with a-shell?

The installation of scipy fails because meson-python is not compatible with a-shell on iPad 4 Pro. Meson-python requires a Linux-based system, which a-shell on iPad 4 Pro does not provide. Unfortunately, scipy relies on meson-python, making it impossible to install scipy on your iPad 4 Pro with a-shell.

Is there an alternative to scipy that I can use on my iPad 4 Pro with a-shell?

Yes, there are alternative libraries to scipy that you can use on your iPad 4 Pro with a-shell. For example, you can try using NumPy, which is a Python library for numerical computing and is compatible with a-shell on iPad 4 Pro. However, keep in mind that NumPy may not have all the features and functionality that scipy provides.

Can I install scipy on my iPad 4 Pro with a-shell using a virtual environment?

No, installing scipy on your iPad 4 Pro with a-shell using a virtual environment will not work. The issue is not with the Python environment, but with the fact that meson-python, which scipy relies on, is not compatible with a-shell on iPad 4 Pro. Virtual environments can help with package management, but they cannot resolve compatibility issues.

Will scipy ever be compatible with a-shell on iPad 4 Pro?

It’s unlikely that scipy will be compatible with a-shell on iPad 4 Pro in the near future. The scipy library is built on top of meson-python, which has Linux-based system requirements. Unless a-shell on iPad 4 Pro undergoes significant changes to become Linux-compatible, it’s unlikely that scipy will be compatible.

What other options do I have if I need to use scipy on my iPad 4 Pro?

If you need to use scipy on your iPad 4 Pro, consider using a remote computing service or a cloud-based platform that provides a Linux-based environment, such as Google Colab or AWS Cloud9. These services allow you to run Python scripts that rely on scipy, and you can access them from your iPad 4 Pro using a web browser.

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