Check if a Field is Initialized with ArchUnit: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Check if a Field is Initialized with ArchUnit: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a developer, you’re no stranger to writing unit tests to ensure your code is robust and reliable. But have you ever wondered how to verify that a specific field is initialized in your Java classes using ArchUnit? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of ArchUnit and explore how to check if a field is initialized with this powerful testing library.

What is ArchUnit?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and introduce ArchUnit. ArchUnit is a popular Java testing library that enables you to write architecture-based unit tests. It allows you to verify the architecture of your application, ensuring that your code adheres to the desired structure and design principles. With ArchUnit, you can check everything from class dependencies to field initializations, making it an invaluable tool in your testing arsenal.

Why Check if a Field is Initialized?

Initializing fields correctly is crucial in Java programming. Uninitialized fields can lead to NullPointerExceptions, unexpected behavior, and a host of other issues that can be difficult to debug. By checking if a field is initialized, you can ensure that your code is robust, reliable, and easier to maintain.

But why use ArchUnit specifically? Well, ArchUnit provides a unique advantage when it comes to field initialization checks. With ArchUnit, you can write concise, expressive tests that are easy to understand and maintain. Plus, ArchUnit’s fluent API makes it a breeze to write complex tests that cover multiple scenarios.

Getting Started with ArchUnit

Before we dive into the example, let’s cover the basics of using ArchUnit. To get started, you’ll need to add the ArchUnit dependency to your project. If you’re using Maven, add the following to your pom.xml file:


If you’re using Gradle, add the following to your build.gradle file:

testImplementation 'com.tngtech.archunit:archunit:0.23.1'

Checking if a Field is Initialized with ArchUnit

Now that we have ArchUnit set up, let’s dive into the example. Suppose we have a simple Java class, User, with a single field, name:

public class User {
    private String name;
    public User(String name) { = name;

We want to write a test to ensure that the name field is initialized in the User constructor. Here’s how we can do it using ArchUnit:

import com.tngtech.archunit.core.domain.JavaClasses;
import com.tngtech.archunit.core.importer.ClassFileImporter;
import com.tngtech.archunit.lang.ArchRule;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class UserTest {
    public void constructor_initializes_name_field() {
        JavaClasses classes = new ClassFileImporter().importPackages("com.example");
        ArchRule rule = fields().that().haveSimpleName("name")

In this example, we’re using ArchUnit’s fluent API to define a rule that checks if the name field is initialized in the User constructor. We’re using the fields() method to specify that we want to check fields, and then chaining the that() method to specify the field name. Finally, we’re using the should().beInitializedInConstructors() method to define the expected behavior.

Advanced Field Initialization Checks

In the previous example, we checked if a single field is initialized in a constructor. But what if we want to check multiple fields or more complex initialization scenarios? ArchUnit has got you covered!

Checking Multiple Fields

Suppose we have a User class with multiple fields, and we want to ensure that all of them are initialized in the constructor:

public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String email;
    public User(String name, int age, String email) { = name;
        this.age = age; = email;

We can modify our previous test to check multiple fields using ArchUnit’s and() method:

public void constructor_initializes_all_fields() {
    JavaClasses classes = new ClassFileImporter().importPackages("com.example");
    ArchRule rule = fields().that().haveSimpleName("name")

In this example, we’re chaining multiple and() method calls to define a rule that checks if all three fields (name, age, and email) are initialized in the User constructor.

Checking Field Initialization with Custom Logic

What if we want to check more complex field initialization scenarios? ArchUnit provides a way to define custom logic using lambda expressions.

Suppose we have a User class with a field, address, that’s initialized based on a conditional statement:

public class User {
    private String name;
    private Address address;
    public User(String name, boolean hasAddress) { = name;
        if (hasAddress) {
            this.address = new Address();

We can use ArchUnit’s should().satisfy() method to define a custom rule that checks if the address field is initialized based on the conditional statement:

public void constructor_initializes_address_field_conditionally() {
    JavaClasses classes = new ClassFileImporter().importPackages("com.example");
    ArchRule rule = fields().that().haveSimpleName("address")
            .should().satisfy(field -> {
                JavaConstructor constructor = field.getOwner().getConstructors().get(0);
                return constructor.getRawParameterOffsets().stream()
                        .anyMatch(offset -> constructor.getMethod().getParameterNames().get(offset).equals("hasAddress"));
            }, "address field is initialized conditionally");

In this example, we’re using a lambda expression to define a custom rule that checks if the address field is initialized based on the presence of the hasAddress parameter in the User constructor.


In this article, we’ve explored how to check if a field is initialized with ArchUnit. We’ve covered the basics of using ArchUnit, including setting up the dependency and writing a simple test to check if a field is initialized in a constructor. We’ve also dived into more advanced scenarios, including checking multiple fields and defining custom logic using lambda expressions.

By following this guide, you should now be equipped to write robust and reliable tests for your Java code using ArchUnit. Remember, checking field initialization is just the tip of the iceberg – with ArchUnit, you can verify everything from class dependencies to method calls, ensuring that your code is robust, reliable, and maintainable.

ArchUnit Methods Description
fields() Returns a collection of fields in the imported classes
that() Specifies the field to check
should() Defines the expected behavior for the field
beInitializedInConstructors() Checks if the field is initialized in the constructor
and() Chains multiple conditions to define a more complex rule
satisfy() Defines a custom rule using a lambda expression

ArchUnit Cheat Sheet

Here’s a quick reference guide to the ArchUnit methods used in this article:

  • fields()Frequently Asked Question

    Get the answers to your burning questions about checking if a field is initialized with ArchUnit.

    How do I check if a field is initialized with ArchUnit?

    You can use the `hasFieldWithInitializer()` method provided by ArchUnit to check if a field is initialized. This method allows you to specify the type of the field and the initializer expression. For example, `classes().that(areAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class)).should().haveFieldWithInitializer("myField", "someInitializer");`.

    What if I want to check if a field is not initialized with ArchUnit?

    You can use the `shouldNotHaveFieldWithInitializer()` method to check if a field is not initialized. This method is similar to the previous one, but negates the result. For example, `classes().that(areAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class)).shouldNotHaveFieldWithInitializer("myField", "someInitializer");`.

    Can I check if a field is initialized with a specific value using ArchUnit?

    Yes, you can use the `haveFieldWithInitializer()` method and specify the expected value as a string. For example, `classes().that(areAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class)).should().haveFieldWithInitializer("myField", "\"myExpectedValue\"");`. Note that the value should be a string and should be escaped correctly.

    How do I check if a field is initialized with a specific method call using ArchUnit?

    You can use the `haveFieldWithInitializer()` method and specify the method call as a string. For example, `classes().that(areAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class)).should().haveFieldWithInitializer("myField", "MyMethod.myStaticMethod()");`. Note that the method call should be a valid Java expression.

    Can I combine multiple checks for field initialization using ArchUnit?

    Yes, you can combine multiple checks using the `and()` method. For example, `classes().that(areAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class)).should().haveFieldWithInitializer("myField1", "myInitializer1").and().haveFieldWithInitializer("myField2", "myInitializer2");`. This allows you to specify multiple checks that must all pass for the test to succeed.

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