Run tests from different Maven projects: A comprehensive guide
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Run tests from different Maven projects: A comprehensive guide

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Are you tired of running tests individually for each Maven project? Do you want to simplify your testing process and streamline your workflow? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to run tests from different Maven projects with ease.

Why run tests from different Maven projects?

Running tests from different Maven projects can be beneficial in several ways:

  • Improved testing efficiency: By running tests from multiple projects at once, you can save time and reduce the overall testing effort.

  • Enhanced project integration: Running tests from different projects allows you to verify the integration of multiple projects and identify potential issues early on.

  • Better resource utilization: You can utilize your resources more effectively by running tests from multiple projects simultaneously, rather than dedicating resources to individual projects.


Before we dive into the process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Maven installed on your system (version 3.6.0 or higher)

  • Multiple Maven projects with test cases written in a supported programming language (e.g., Java, Kotlin, Groovy)

  • A basic understanding of Maven and its configuration files (pom.xml)

Method 1: Using Maven’s Built-in Support

Maven provides built-in support for running tests from multiple projects using the mvn test command. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the parent directory of your Maven projects using the command line or terminal.

  2. Run the following command to compile and test all projects: mvn clean compile test. This will compile and run tests for each project in the reactor.

  3. If you want to run tests for specific projects, use the -pl option followed by the project names, separated by commas. For example: mvn clean compile test -pl project1,project2,project3.

  4. To run tests in parallel, add the -T option followed by the number of threads. For example: mvn clean compile test -T 4. This will run tests in 4 parallel threads.

Method 2: Using Maven Profiles

Maven profiles allow you to customize the build process and run tests from multiple projects. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a new Maven profile in your pom.xml file:

  2. Activate the profile by running the following command: mvn clean compile test -P run-all-tests.

  3. Maven will run tests from all projects that match the specified pattern (in this case, all projects with test classes ending in *

Method 3: Using Maven Modules

Maven modules allow you to group related projects together and run tests from multiple projects. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a new Maven module by creating a new directory with a pom.xml file:

    <project xmlns=""
  2. Add the test-module as a module to your parent project:

    <project xmlns=""
  3. Run tests from the parent project by executing the following command: mvn clean compile test.

Best Practices

When running tests from different Maven projects, keep the following best practices in mind:

Best Practice Description
Use a consistent naming convention for your projects and tests Use a consistent naming convention to avoid confusion and make it easier to identify projects and tests
Organize your projects in a logical structure Organize your projects in a logical structure to make it easier to navigate and manage
Use Maven profiles to customize the build process Use Maven profiles to customize the build process and run tests from specific projects or modules
Use Maven modules to group related projects together Use Maven modules to group related projects together and run tests from multiple projects


Running tests from different Maven projects can be a game-changer for your testing workflow. By using Maven’s built-in support, Maven profiles, or Maven modules, you can simplify your testing process and improve your overall testing efficiency. Remember to follow best practices and keep your projects organized to get the most out of running tests from multiple projects.

Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle the most pressing questions about running tests from different Maven projects!

Can I run tests from multiple Maven projects in a single test suite?

Yes, you can definitely run tests from multiple Maven projects in a single test suite. You can use the Maven Failsafe Plugin or the Maven Surefire Plugin to achieve this. Simply configure the plugins to include the test classes from each project, and you’re good to go!

How do I specify the tests I want to run from each Maven project?

You can specify the tests you want to run from each Maven project by using the `includes` and `excludes` parameters in the Maven plugin configuration. For example, you can use `includes` to specify the test classes or packages you want to include, and `excludes` to specify the ones you want to exclude.

Can I run tests in parallel from different Maven projects?

Absolutely! You can run tests in parallel from different Maven projects using the Maven Parallel Plugin. This plugin allows you to parallelize the execution of tests across multiple projects, making your testing process much faster and more efficient.

How do I handle dependencies between tests from different Maven projects?

Handling dependencies between tests from different Maven projects can be a bit tricky. One way to handle this is by using the Maven Dependency Plugin to manage the dependencies between projects. You can also use a build tool like Apache Maven or Gradle to manage the dependencies and ensure that the tests are executed in the correct order.

What are the benefits of running tests from different Maven projects in a single test suite?

Running tests from different Maven projects in a single test suite has several benefits, including improved testing efficiency, reduced testing time, and better test coverage. It also allows you to test the integration between different projects and ensure that the entire system works as expected.

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